Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Contact My Soldier?

Please note that the soldiers in our database are provided by numerous individuals, and we don't have direct communication with every soldier listed. Some individuals have shared their matches on Instagram and have subsequently been contacted by the soldier they were paired with.

Can we please get a list of all the soldiers?

We do not make our list of soldiers available to the public due to the sensitivities surrounding the information shared. Not all lists have been disclosed publicly, out of respect for the family members, friends, and others who have submitted names. However, we are open to collaborations and are here to assist people in refining their ideas through our system.

Are my kabbalahs private?

All submissions we receive are confidential and will not be shared with any third parties. Rest assured, whatever you provide will remain solely between you and Hashem.

Why do you need my email?

Our system requires an email input to generate a match. We're not interested in flooding your inbox; our aim is simply to deliver pertinent information.